1986 Graduate Student Assistant, Political Science Department, University of Durban-Westville. Responsibilities: Research; administration; tutoring 2nd year class; lecturing on South African Liberation Movements (1st year); introductory lectures on Current Ideological Trends in Politics (2nd and 3rd years).
1987 Researcher, editorial assistant, and writer for the David Davies Institute
for International Relations.
1987-1990 Rhodes Scholarship, University of Oxford.
1988 President, Oxford University Africa Society.
1989-1990 Worked two days per week for SouthScan (Southern African Bulletin). Research, word processing, sub-editing, and production work (London).
1988 Joint Convenor, representing OUAS, with the Institute for African Alternatives, of a Conference entitled: “The Social Responsibility of the African Graduate” sponsored by OXFAM.
1988-1989 Yale University, Visiting Scholar, South African Fellowship Programe.
1990 Visiting Fellow, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Durban-Westville.
1990 Para-legal Assistant with Durban-based Human Rights Law firm.